Citoval Michael_Bulant
I have built this simple UI as an exercise for Python parts. My problem is as follows:
I want to show or hide elements on Page2 depending on whether the checkbox 2 is checked.
However, this only works if checkbox 1 is also checked.
I don't understand the connection here. Since I'm not very familiar with the .pyp structure, I ask for help.
apparently PythonPartsFramework does not update the palette, when the first checkbox is unchecked. I don't know why, but you can make him do so by adding this function to your script:
def modify_control_properties(build_ele: BuildingElement,
ctrl_prop_util: ControlPropertiesUtil,
value_name: str,
event_id: int,
doc: AllplanElementAdapter.DocumentAdapter) -> bool:
"""Called after each change within the property palette
build_ele: building element
ctrl_prop_util: control properties utility
value_name: name(s) of the modified value (multiple names are separated by ,)
event_id: event ID
doc: document
True if an update of the property palette is necessary, False otherwise
return True
It gets called every time, there is a change in the property palette and at the end you return a Boolean value: True means that the palette should be updated. In the above implementation True is return always, so the palette gets updated with every change in the palette (like unchecking a checkbox). This might slow down a PythonPart, but in your case there will be no significant drop in performance.
While looking on your problem, I've discovered that you added tags Visible and Enable to the first page:
<Text>First page</Text>
But with this you basically overrides these tags in each parameter inside this page. This is why the enable condition in the parameter [i]Sturzplattenstärke[/i]...
[code] <Parameter>
<Enable>SP_Dicke_ist_Schachtdicke == False</Enable>
<BackgroundColor>(164, 164, 164) if SP_Dicke_ist_Schachtdicke == True else (-1, -1, -1) </BackgroundColor>
... doesn't work. It gets overridden by the one from the <Page> tag. Remove them and you can get rid of the BackgroundColor (which by the way gets ignored when changing pages - it's a bug we need to fix).
For the parameter
Schachtelemente I would recommend you to use a list of
tuples or even better
namedtuples (see attached PYP file). ListGroups are OK, but it's much more text in the PYP file.
Hope that helps.