[Otázka] How to preserve color of element in VS

Hello everyone,

I've simplified my script to show you what kind of problem I am facing. What I would like to do is assign a color to one element and leave the other as white. This is easily achievable through node Format. The problem occurs when I use the node ObjectSwitcher2, then everything appears as white. Moving the node Format after the ObjectSwitcher2 wouldn't help me because that would change the color of all the elements.
Any ideas on what I could change to achieve my desired plan?

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Apparently the Node ObjectSwitcher can only handle unformatted objects (geometries). It obviously ignores the existing formatting. It will be best to "apply" the formatting at the end.

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Apparently the Node ObjectSwitcher can only handle unformatted objects (geometries). It obviously ignores the existing formatting. It will be best to "apply" the formatting at the end.

Přílohy (3)

Type: image/png
Staženo 78
Size: 111,62 KiB
Type: application/x-sqlite3
Staženo 490
Size: 132,00 KiB
Type: text/xml
Staženo 491
Size: 480,00 B

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