08 - Allplan Share and the building structure

In this video, we would like to briefly explain why we only use the building structure in Allplan Share projects and no longer take the old Allplan Fileset structure into account.  


The reasons are quite obvious: Allplan introduced the building structure in 2007. The reason: for some time back then, there had been a widespread desire to replace the old Fileset structure, which only allowed for a single hierarchy level, with a more convenient, powerful and flexible project management system that was based more on the BIM model and less on Windows Explorer. A major driving factor was the industry trend towards Open BIM and the IFC exchange format, which was already clearly recognizable at the time. With Allplan Version 2008, the time had finally come: with the building structure, Allplan users were able to export Allplan model data in IFC format without any detours and thus participate seamlessly in the BIM process. The Fileset structure, on the other hand, does not allow users to export IFC-compliant BIM models, as the necessary structural levels, which the creators of IFC have made mandatory, are missing.  


Another point that is important for Allplan Share is that the old Fileset structure would struggle with performance problems in a modern cloud environment, as it was never programmed for a modern web application.  


This means that if you convert an existing Allplan project into an Allplan Share project, this message informs you that Allplan Share projects only work with the building structure.  


What does this message mean and what options do you have at this point?  


If you have a building structure in this existing project, everything is fine, ignore the message and click "Yes"

If you don't have a building structure in the project but intend to create and use one after you have uploaded it to Share, then click "Yes"

Click "No" only if you do not have a building structure in the project and do not want to create one - in this case the project is not suitable for uploading to Share.   


By the way: We can also assist you if you have never used the Allplan Building Structure before.  

Here in the Allplan Help, we have summarized everything worth knowing about the building structure in Allplan.

And if you prefer to watch a video, we can show you here how to create a building structure yourself.


If, contrary to expectations, you still have questions, simply post them in the forum on Allplan Connect; beginner's questions are also welcome here.

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