[Pregunta] Allplan 2023 doesn't launch after latest updates

  • Allplan 2023

Hello! I have been using the Allplan 2023 in my PC for a year without any problems. Yesterday after installing the latest updates that the program recommended, when I try to launch it it displays this error. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but the same thing happens. I also run the system requirements program and everything seems fine. What could be the problem? Do you have any suggestion of what I should try? It is a really urgent matter, as I can't work without it..
Thank you!

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Please Try to install latest 2023 as full download again.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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I appreciate the answer. After several attempts at reinstalling the app (the latest version from the site), without any luck, I downloaded a program to do a clean uninstall of the program and then reinstalled it. It seems to be working now. Thank you