[Domanda] Coppo di colmo

Buongiorno a tutti. Sto provando a sperimentare il comando ringhiera nella riproduzione di una fila di coppi per il colmo di una copertura. E' possibile impostare un parametro in modo tale che gli elementi risultino sfalsati in modo tale da riprodurre correttamente il sormonto tra le tegole? Spero di essermi spiegato decentemente. Allego una foto per chiarire il mio problema. Grazie a tutti per la disponibilità e scusate il disturbo. Buona giornata e buon lavoro.

Ingegnere Edile | 3D Artist | BIM expert

Tel: +393463266095
Skype: pasqua.enzo
Website: http://www.enzopasqua.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/enzopasqua
Instragram: http://www.instagram.com/enzopasqua3d/
PEC: enzo.pasqua (please no spam) @ (please no spam) ingpec.eu

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Hello Enzo,
Maybe you can move your first tile to get the right position.
But, you can also use my wizYsmart pack for covering. There is an additional SmartPart (included) to make verge, ridge, arris, valley and flashing (gronda di testa, colmo, displuvio, compluvio e scossalina). It's exactly what you need here.
The cost of your time you spent to create your element is maybe the cost of the SmartPart...
Here is the presentation video.

Hello Enzo,
Maybe you can move your first tile to get the right position.
But, you can also use my wizYsmart pack for covering. There is an additional SmartPart (included) to make verge, ridge, arris, valley and flashing (gronda di testa, colmo, displuvio, compluvio e scossalina). It's exactly what you need here.
The cost of your time you spent to create your element is maybe the cost of the SmartPart...
Here is the presentation video.

Thank you @Bertrand_C I know your amazing smartparts . I would only try to explore the possibilities for the facade tool and the railing one improving my skills. But for sure I'm going to consider your object for future works. Thank you!

Ingegnere Edile | 3D Artist | BIM expert

Tel: +393463266095
Skype: pasqua.enzo
Website: http://www.enzopasqua.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/enzopasqua
Instragram: http://www.instagram.com/enzopasqua3d/
PEC: enzo.pasqua (please no spam) @ (please no spam) ingpec.eu

Grazie Enzo!
In the meantime, move the first tile of your base element to automatically get the right position.
Or better, I suggest you to use only one tile to create the "pattern" that will be repeated.

Ok. Thank you Bertrand! I'll try in that way

Ingegnere Edile | 3D Artist | BIM expert

Tel: +393463266095
Skype: pasqua.enzo
Website: http://www.enzopasqua.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/enzopasqua
Instragram: http://www.instagram.com/enzopasqua3d/
PEC: enzo.pasqua (please no spam) @ (please no spam) ingpec.eu

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