[Domanda] legend of roof [Risolto]

Hi all,

I made a legend for the roof.
This legend contains the surface of Roof in m2.
When I this Roof made, the Legend contain wrong surface. This legend contains only half surface of Roof.

What I make wrong?

György Bruckner

Allegati (2)

Type: image/png
62 scaricato
Size: 108,41 KiB
Type: image/png
66 scaricato
Size: 87,63 KiB

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It's hard to do assumptions from your description and attachments. Based on what i see it seems that you are using Beschriftungsbild funktion.

I am sending you a "dachhaut flaeche" Legend (for v2019) that you can check, test and modify. I hope it will work for you. It's made with Legende funktion. Copy files to externer pfad.


Allegati (2)

Type: application/octet-stream
1108 scaricato
Size: 2,14 KiB
Type: application/octet-stream
1053 scaricato
Size: 7,80 KiB


It's hard to do assumptions from your description and attachments. Based on what i see it seems that you are using Beschriftungsbild funktion.

I am sending you a "dachhaut flaeche" Legend (for v2019) that you can check, test and modify. I hope it will work for you. It's made with Legende funktion. Copy files to externer pfad.


Allegati (2)

Type: application/octet-stream
1108 scaricato
Size: 2,14 KiB
Type: application/octet-stream
1053 scaricato
Size: 7,80 KiB

Hi JohanC,

Thanks your answer.
I tested your Legend, and it was good.
I found, what is the different.
I not clicked the "Einzelergebinsse aufsummieren" Radiobutton...

György Bruckner

Allegati (1)

Type: image/png
32 scaricato
Size: 16,89 KiB

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