Allplan 2025 only runs in "Viewer" mode

  • Allplan 2025


I have a full-service license for Allplan, but my Allplan 2025 is only running in "Viewer" mode. If anyone has experienced this issue, any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

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Make sure you are login and restart Allplan

a) install update latest 2025-0-1, because this helps to "free" your license when you end Allplan or logout.
sometimes licences was not returned so b) came into account:

b) Check if it helps to wait one hour. This may also help if your computer crashes ( licenses is blocked) and you use a different computer.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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I tried but that it didn't help. One more information is that a message appears every time I run my Allplan 2025. Meanwhile, my older Allplan (2022-2024) are still working.

I just found a Trial License assigened to you email Address and the Trial has ended:

"validUntil": "2024-11-12T02:30:37.298Z",

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Could you please check it again? My client ID is <ID Removed by webmaster > I have a license with it and this license valid until 2025-02-05.

This (NEM- ... ) is an Internal ID, and as far as i know, this was only used for an Allplan License until 2024.
Allplan 2025 licenses works via Customer Number or Email Address and with the Customer Number i can see (with internal access) and your Email Address i can not see any 2025 license

i will forward this to the Supprot team, as they know who can help

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thank you very much for your help!

Ich habe das gleiche Problem, an allen Rechnern muss ich immer die Lizenz und die workgroup Lizenz bestätigen, dann kommt immer noch eine zweite Abfrage nach Viewer Modus, läuft dann aber im Hintergrund ohne Eingabe durch.
Auch hat die Einstellung beim „nächsten Start nicht anzeigen“ keine Auswirkung wenn der Haken gesetzt ist.

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

Hallo Jürgen:

das hat nichts miteinander zu tun: Dieser User hat keine Lizenz, darum ist der Start als Viewer NORMAL.
bei Dir ist das Verhalten NICHT normal. da hilft nur Support kontaktieren, falls du das nicht schon getan hast.

that has nothing to do with each other: This user does not have a license, so starting as a viewer is NORMAL.
your behavior is NOT normal. The only thing that helps is to contact support, if you have not already done so.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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