[Вопрос] Different types of view must not to gather or loaded together [Решен]

  • Wall
  • Reinforcement
  • View
  • Currept

I had created few wall model by architectural wall tool and added reinforcement in wall. For adding rebar, I have created section by reinforcement view tab not view and section. It work for adding rebars but afterwards I haved added design to walk using iwall tool successfully but I am unable create edit element and element plan. When click on element plan it shows error " different types of views must not be loaded to togather".
I think this because I have used reinforcement view section
Please help me to get all wall works for element plan.

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Until the version 2022, there were limitation to work with view and section and the Associative view (reinforcement view) in the same drawing file.

As i understand, you use precast module like iWall. This is clearly a limit in till the version 2022.

You can make precast element and Associative view but the other view must be place in another drawing file.

The point is, the precast technology use Associative view in background for all reinforcement and element plan or edit panel.

Usualy, all precast user use only Associative view till the version 2022 and not the other view and section.

Since the version 2023, we have allowed the mixmod means, there is no Associative view for any user but the precast object still use it in background and all user can work with the "view and section" in the planview.

I suppose you're working in 2022 version. Or you have a full licence of AllplanPrecast which can display again the module of Associative view for the formwork module.

It's not recommanded to work with Associative view since 2023 for create reinforcement...

In case of issue, you could contact the precast support support.precast (please no spam) @ (please no spam) Allplan.com.

My recommandation will be to redo the reinforcement in this case, or to draw you view and section on other drawing file.

HINT2: This is a reason why by switching version 2022 to 2023 all associative view were convert to 2D line and the bars were convert to view and section in background. to avoid such issue.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006


Until the version 2022, there were limitation to work with view and section and the Associative view (reinforcement view) in the same drawing file.

As i understand, you use precast module like iWall. This is clearly a limit in till the version 2022.

You can make precast element and Associative view but the other view must be place in another drawing file.

The point is, the precast technology use Associative view in background for all reinforcement and element plan or edit panel.

Usualy, all precast user use only Associative view till the version 2022 and not the other view and section.

Since the version 2023, we have allowed the mixmod means, there is no Associative view for any user but the precast object still use it in background and all user can work with the "view and section" in the planview.

I suppose you're working in 2022 version. Or you have a full licence of AllplanPrecast which can display again the module of Associative view for the formwork module.

It's not recommanded to work with Associative view since 2023 for create reinforcement...

In case of issue, you could contact the precast support support.precast (please no spam) @ (please no spam) Allplan.com.

My recommandation will be to redo the reinforcement in this case, or to draw you view and section on other drawing file.

HINT2: This is a reason why by switching version 2022 to 2023 all associative view were convert to 2D line and the bars were convert to view and section in background. to avoid such issue.


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Hi Judy,
thanks for response