[Вопрос] Don't show hotinfo wizard at Allplan startup [Решен]

  • Allplan
  • Hotinfo
  • Wizards

Hi everyone,

I have a question about Allplan startup. Every time I run Allplan, hotinfo wizard window appears. Screenshot is attached.

How do I get rid of this?

Thank you.


Вложения (1)

Type: image/png
Загружено 22 раз
Size: 466,31 KiB

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You have just to click on "Next" and then enter your information and at the end you can click to not send this information to Allplan...
After that, it will never be displayed again.

You have just to click on "Next" and then enter your information and at the end you can click to not send this information to Allplan...
After that, it will never be displayed again.


Thank you

You're welcome!