[Pregunta] Watchlist not available, changelog for VisualScript [Guardado]

Hi everyone,

I tried to activate the watchlist in regedit but the value is not existed. In the tutorial Xinling mentioned to "change" the value. Anybody got solution for this?

Also for VisualScripting, is there changelog available for each Allplan update?

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Ah.. You can also add that key by yourself to reveal the watchlist (for Allplan 2022). I will update the description there.

Cita de: ekousr
Hi everyone,
Also for VisualScripting, is there changelog available for each Allplan update?

Currently, there is no changelog, especially about the nodes. But once a while, if there are some major improvements / changes, I will post it in this forum. You can also subscribe to this Visual Scripting forum, if you want to get the notification automatically. (but if you do so, you will also receive notification, if others post a new thread.)

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Ah.. You can also add that key by yourself to reveal the watchlist (for Allplan 2022). I will update the description there.

Cita de: ekousr
Hi everyone,
Also for VisualScripting, is there changelog available for each Allplan update?

Currently, there is no changelog, especially about the nodes. But once a while, if there are some major improvements / changes, I will post it in this forum. You can also subscribe to this Visual Scripting forum, if you want to get the notification automatically. (but if you do so, you will also receive notification, if others post a new thread.)

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Cita de: Xinling
Ah.. You can also add that key by yourself to reveal the watchlist (for Allplan 2022). I will update the description there.

Also for VisualScripting, is there changelog available for each Allplan update?
Currently, there is no changelog, especially about the nodes. But once a while, if there are some major improvements / changes, I will post it in this forum. You can also subscribe to this Visual Scripting forum, if you want to get the notification automatically. (but if you do so, you will also receive notification, if others post a new thread.)

Thanks for the answers Xinling. The watchlist now available in my Allplan.