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2023 Patterns

  • Allplan 2023

Hello guys,

Has anyone tried to create patterns in Allplan 2023? The snap is not working and everything seems to be jumping all around the place, except inside of the area that should contain the pattern.

Is somebody else experiencing this bug?


I just tested and everything seems to work normally.
Can you attach a screenshot of your result and your settings?

Thank you for your response. I attached an image. The placement point is in the bottom right and it seems like everything has an offset.
Kind regards

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Yes, you're right (I was testing the drawing of a pattern area, not the creation of a new pattern).
There is a problem when creating patterns.
Also send an email to the support.

Have a good day.

Thank you! Have a nice day aswell!

2 more hotfixes and still the bug isn't solved...patterns cannot be edited/created in Allplan 2023-0-2