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[Frage] Einhüllende Kräfte gemischt


Ich berechne eine Brücke mit verschiedene Spurrgruppen und Kräfte. Ich habe also die Überlagerung benutzt. Wenn ich meine Brücke berechne vermischen sich die verschiedenen Einhüllenden und Kräfte und dem Tab "Überlagerung" wird unverstandlich. Wissen Sie, worauf der Mangel zurückzuführen ist?

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Hallo Yanis!
I had the same problem and received the answer from developers. Hope it will help you

"The order you mentioned is saved in the XML File. If you for example send the TCL without the XML file and somebody opens only the TCL without having the XML in the project file the envelopes will get messed up. So position the envelopes one more time in the correct order and save the file then. The now created XML file contains the information for the positioning. If this really happens although the XML File is in the same folder let me know. Keep also in mind that the XML file must have the same name as the TCL file".

Hallo Yanis!
I had the same problem and received the answer from developers. Hope it will help you

"The order you mentioned is saved in the XML File. If you for example send the TCL without the XML file and somebody opens only the TCL without having the XML in the project file the envelopes will get messed up. So position the envelopes one more time in the correct order and save the file then. The now created XML file contains the information for the positioning. If this really happens although the XML File is in the same folder let me know. Keep also in mind that the XML file must have the same name as the TCL file".