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[Frage] Import project Allplan (old version) in Allplan viewer

Hi, how to import projects from older versions (over 3 years) into recent viewer version of software?

open projects, there's a import button to import project backups (zip files). Project older than three years can also be imported (inoffical way)

Software: Allplan, Lumion, OM by Cycot, Simplebim, Nevaris...
Coachings unter http://www.cycot.de / Tutorials unter http://www.allplanlernen.de

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Zitiert von: joerggeier

open projects, there's a import button to import project backups (zip files). Project older than three years can also be imported (inoffical way)

Thank you for your clarification. I reported your suggestions to my colleague who asked me why he is not in this forum. He tried to import with the 2019 viewer. The file is imported, however, when you switch from model view to table layout and opposite, a message always appears, for each panel loaded, that the file is of an old version. If you have any other suggestions send them to me. In any case, thanks