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[Frage] Deleting Revisions in bimplus



Is it possible to delete only a Revision of a model?

I see that I can delete a model, but this action will delete all revisions, but I want to delete only the most recent revision and retain older Revisions.

Thank you!


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es wäre schön, wenn eine irrtümlich hochgeladene Revision, löschbar ist.
Zumindest die letzte Version sollte löschbar sein!

Gruß Jürgen
Allplan V10 bis V2024

Hello Mr. Sander,

deleting of revisions is not in our plans. We consider this as possibly dangerous in the workflow. What you can do however is to update latest (current revison) anytime.

Kind Regards,

Bimplus Product Owner

Thank you for your reply!

I understand that it is dangerous to do so. What I actually want to do is make an IFC export from Rev.1 (I have 2 revisions in the model) with accompanied tasks. We want to do so we can use the data in other sytems, but I mistakenly uploaded Rev.2 before exporting Rev.1.

Another solution for us would be if could use the IFC exporter plug-in to export every possible revision, but now it seems that I only can export the most recent one (Rev.1 is greyed out as you can see in the attached screenshot).

Is it correct that it is not possible at this moment?


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es wäre schön, wenn eine irrtümlich hochgeladene Revision, löschbar ist.
Zumindest die letzte Version sollte löschbar sein!

Gruß Jürgen
Allplan V10 bis V2024