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[Frage] export clashes table to a text file

  • Clash table
  • Collisions
  • BIMplus

Hello, anyone knows if it is possible to export the clash table to a text file?
Thank you!


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Hello Antoli,

this is not implemented. We could implement export to excel as we have for tasks.
What would you need to have in results table (just a copy of clash table?) ?

Other possibility is that you assign a clash to the open task (click on task and in right panel you can create clash task).
Then you can export to excel or even BCF clash tasks.

Best regards,

Hello Antoli,

this is not implemented. We could implement export to excel as we have for tasks.
What would you need to have in results table (just a copy of clash table?) ?

Other possibility is that you assign a clash to the open task (click on task and in right panel you can create clash task).
Then you can export to excel or even BCF clash tasks.

Best regards,