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[Frage] Reinforcement attributes import to Allplan



I would like to obtain some of the attributes for reinforcing bars (e.g. diameter, length etc.) in my model. I can't to this in Allplan so I tried to use Bimplus. As you can see in BIM Explorer there are attributes in which I'm interested in (in red frame). But I can't import them to Allplan (there are no attributes for reinforcement to import, only for column -look at 2nd screen). I thought we can import anything from Bimplus to Allplan.

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Hi DeEl,

As you find out Element attributes are available while specific reinforcement "geometry attributes" are not. As I understand they are processed / translated differently inside Allplan, thats why usual tools from Attribute module cannot extract them. Maybe at some point in time someone from development will check to-do list and provide us with a special tool for extracting internal geometry attributes.

However, you can still obtain your particular attributes via legend or report tool. You can save reinforcement report as Excel file afterwards, or import to Allplan directly.