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[Frage] Add new attributes to elements, using "Import Quantites Data" tool : sometimes it doesn't works


Hi all,

We use allplan tool "Import Quantities Data" in order to add new attributes to elements, combining this tool with RDLC files and Excel: it's a powerful workflow.

With this workflow, some attributes are added perfectly to elements, but other attributes not... why?

I attach a video to explain it, with two process:

- Adding attribute "Reference": in the video, we show that the process works adding this attribute
- Adding attribute "Name": in the video, we show that the process doesn't works adding this attribute.. why? Any workaround to do it?

I also attach the RDLC file showed in video.

The allplan error happens using tool "Import Quantities Data", and also "Import Attributes".

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

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I seems that I found a temporal workaround, while nemetschek solve it (that workaround seems to solve it, but we are not sure at all)

Allplan seems to bypass the bug, when in the "Import Quantities Data" tool process, I activate the checkbox "With dialog box for comparing data".

If you try to do the same process without activate this checkbox, the results will not be as expected, sure.

When we use "Import Attributes" instead "Import Quantities Data", we have to do the same workaround.

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

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