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3D Architectural Design Company |3D Architectural Visualization

Welcome To Quickgunz Pvt Ltd who wanted to Start Work WIth your Ecommerce company We Provide 3d Modeling And Rendering Services That Can Vary A Lot Depending Upon The Complexity Of The Models Involved. delivers immaculate 3D Artistic Renderings for the project’s success. our 3d Architectural Design Fulfill your Residential & Commercial Needs.

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I am still trying to figure out, how to achieve nice glass in VRAy 5 - somehow that the sky reflects blueish onto the glass - I tried various tutorials, but I don't get the results like in normal architectural rendering. The face normals are all in the right directions - does it also relate to the sun position? Or is this effect of refraction normally achieved in the post-process?
Any help, tips etc. are much appreciated.
Thank you.