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A solid, if I select the Assign order or modify object attributes and select the type of object you put the IfcSite IFC discipline exported to "IFC" or "IFCC4" do not export the object.
Checking done with Solibri.

A cordail greeting.

I guess that is due to the fact that IFCSite (http://www.buildingsmart-tech.org/ifc/IFC2x3/TC1/html/ifcproductextension/lexical/ifcsite.htm) is an spatial object in the IFC structure, which means it is part of the building structure, just like IFCbuildingstory (structural level story in Allplan) is. I think the object is not exported because the IFC does not allow the object type IFCSite (structural level Site in Allplan) for a physical object, but only for a structural level in the building structure.


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