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allpan to cinema 4d

Hello allplan experts,
When i import my allplan 3d model in cinema 4d my textures are gone (all black).
Who knows what I did wrong?

Kind regards,

Hello Niels

I'm sorry that ist not my supportet Programm Cinema, but I think I now a way.....Edit - Files - Texture paths....

maby ?


Martin Kezmann

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Hello Martin,

It doesn't work. It still stay's black.
Any other suggestions?

Kind regards,


No, I cannot help by Cinema questions....I'm sorry...

kind regards

Martin Kezmann

Hello Niels,
I´m not Cinema4D expert too, but this procedure should work:
1. When you use Allplan surfaces&textres, set texture path to std/design folder of Allplan (Edit-Preferences-Texture Path)
2. Then click on each material in Cinema4D, which is black in view an in the material channel switch off the Specular color channel.
3. Now the material preview is visible in window and it´s correct,and you can swith on the specular color channel, if you want.
But I don´t know, what´s the cause of this problem.
Maybe you can contact someone from Maxon to report it