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Allplan 2011 to DWG


I want to import a Allplan 2011 drawing into Revit 2013. I would like to do this with export to DWG. When I export my drawing and open it in Revit it says that the drawing is bigger dan 10.000 lines. Does anyone now the best options i have to use to get a good DWG export drawing wat i can open in Revit ?

Thanks already!

D. Stevens

Hi Manon Grobben,

sometimes it is useful to transfer Allplan data only as 2D information to a different programm. If this is a scenario for you please select Transfer elements as 2D in the Options... Dialog of the Export AutoCAD Data... function in Allplan.

If you need the data as 3D elements (wall, slab, ...) in a different programm in most cases it is better to use the IFC interface of Allplan and export the data by using Export IFC Data...from the File menu.

Regards, Martin Terfloth

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