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Allplan 2013 Trial - "Stop" Loading Error

I have downloaded the trial Allplan Architecture 64-bit version and after a successful installation when i run the software a window appears with an exclamation mark and the message "Stop". The only option is to click OK which closes the application. I also run the Allplan System Check and the only error i get is that my screen resolution is lower than 1024p (i have 900p). Do you think that this might be the problem or is it something i can solve?

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
Please see attached screen shot of the error
Thank you very much!

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Is there any chance that you've used a DataPath where you already had some Allplan data (Prj and/or Std folders) from previous versions?

A. If you didn't try the next steps:
1. Open Allmenu/Services. Select Service -> Hotline tools and select Cleanup.
2. Select Service -> Hotline tools and select Reorg -> Restore project administration file.

B. If you did have data from previous versions, folloe the steps from point A, folloew by the next steps:
1. Open Allmenu/Services. Select Service -> Hotline tools ->
datwainit: Start Data conversion again: Symbol files
2. Open Allmenu/Services. Select Service -> Hotline tools ->
datwainit: Start Data conversion again: Smart Symbol files
3. Open Allmenu/Services. Select Service -> Hotline tools ->
datwainit: Start Data conversion again: Surface files

After this steps, Allplan should start.
If if doesn't, please make a HotInfo (Service -> Create support request (HotInfo) and post it so we can see the problem in detail.