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Allplan to 3dPDF [Gelöst]


I know that i can name my object in allplan, but when I do export to 3d PDF, in pdf i got that ovbjects with different names, someting like Construction (13), Construction (14) and so on..

Where, haw to name my object, so thet name goest in 3d pdf

His Josip,

I think at moment is not yet possible to transfer your individual objectname to the 3D PDF. But if you select an object by left mouse click in the 3D view, the selected object will be selected also in the Modellhierarchie and you can select if you like to see it or not.

See also the picture in the attached file.

Martin Terfloth

Anhänge (1)

3D PDF in Acrobat Reader.JPG
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Typ: image/pjpeg
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I know that, but that not it. what I wonth is to export my elements in other software, so i can create 3d dinamic plans of construction, but i have that problem with names of elements.....hmmm

Hi Josip,

okay, what kind of software is it you like to import the Allplan data? I ask because depending what you like to do and depending on the target system another Allplan interface might be more useful for you.
Did you already try a DXF/DWG - Export, or the IFC- Export, or a Cinema 4D / VRML / 3DS / U3D - Export, or the Rhino - Export.

There are a lot of file formats Allplan supports for exporting data.

Hi, me again

Ok, I wont to make dynamic plans of my construction by exporting my 3d model, made in allplan. Dynamic plan I make in Autodesk Naviswork.
First I export my 3d model in to dwg, and when importing in Naviswork, I have a perfect construction, but only name's of elements are, constrcution 1, 2......, the same as exporting it in 3d pdf.

I havent try any other format, do you know anything about it??

This is an example of my construction:

Anhänge (3)

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Größe: 383,69 KiB

Hi guys,
I have figure it out, first export to dwg., import in 3d studio max, then expor to naviswork, and then i have all elements with their names , lot of circling, but i have results

Hi Josip,

thanks a lot for the feedback. I was still searching for a solution for you. My first idea was to export the data from Allplan in the IFC format, but I was not so much satisfied with the result and did not have more time to test this. Maybe with the next IFC format 2x4 it will work better, but this is talking about the future.
So I´m happy to here that you found a workaround.
