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allplan wants to activate a passive layer during any action

I have a layer displaying a horizontal section from a IFC model on another layer.
I'm detailling on top of the passive / frozen layer using it as a guid / reference.

Everytime I want to copy / move or do just about anything in the active layer allplan wants to make te passive layer active. Selecting no is an option but the dialogue keeps returning untill I select YES.

Making the active layer is an unwanted option. That's the reason it's passive in the background cause i don't want to edit anything in it.

This behavior is very unpleasant as it makes it virtually impossible to use layers with sections as a reference because the dialogue keeps popping up. Depending on the active elelements you need to press no an absurd amount of times or select YES and than having to make te layer passive again. Rinse and repeat that almost every time you make a change

after some testing it seems the behaviour does not occur when the layer with the section on it is set to modifiable but not current ( the yellow box)

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o elemanın oldugu çalışma dosyasının ilişkisini kesitten çıkarman gerekiyor.

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