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Allplan won't zoom with my mouse scroll [Gelöst]

As I wrote in a title - it just happened today, I switched Allplan 2009 on my laptop and realised that it doesn't read my mouse wheel anymore. It does read when I click it though, I just can't scroll (which used to work as a zoom). Its the first time I ran Allplan with my new mouse, so I suppose it might be connected with it.

How do I set a zoom function to mouse wheel?

Hey Jacub,
you could check your mouse driver if you can assign a different function for the middle mouse button or scroll wheel. If so, try another configuration (for the middle mouse button or scroll wheel).

Since I use a Logitech mouse I’ll attach a screenshot of my configuration menu. Probably you’ll have a similar menu for your mouse settings.

best regards
Undine Ritzmann

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Well it seems I just needed some new drivers from MS. Solved anyway, thanks ;]