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Attributes [Gelöst]


Does anyone now which attribute belongs to the layout folder?

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When you create an attribute, you can choose under Category plan manager (on the left side) and on the right side you have to look out for the matching attribute.

My Allplan is in german version, so the attribute is called Planname, that means layoutname.

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Hi Jeroen,
what exactly do you want to do with the attribute? IMO there are several attributes concerning the layoutfolder.

Best regards


I want to use the attribute to get the name of the layout folder on the plot layout.

hopefully you can help!

When you create an attribute, you can choose under Category plan manager (on the left side) and on the right side you have to look out for the matching attribute.

My Allplan is in german version, so the attribute is called Planname, that means layoutname.

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Größe: 61,57 KiB


That was not quite the attribute what I was looking for.

I would like the attribute of the directory where the layout stands. (that what is selected in the attechment).

Or if it is not possible, I'd want a formula to get a part of the name of the layout(the piece between 2 _)

Thanks in advance!

ps. I use the Dutch version

[URL=http://www.afbeeldingenuploaden.nl/uploads/083677layout folder.jpg][/URL]