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Column shape

Is there a way that I can define the shape of the column I use, or are the standard ones(rectangular,circular...)the onlu types usable.
More exact.....I have a hexagonal wall, and on each side there are windows.I need to make the columns
(or perhaps pillars.....don't know exactly in english) of the shape between the windows(a V-like shape).
Thanks in advance

Procedura este urmatoarea:
- creati (cu fuctiile 2D) profilul coloanei pe care doriti sa o construiti, la dimensiunile finale ale sectiunii.
- salvati in catalog (Introducere date in catalog) profilul creat - de preferinta in Birou ca sa-l mai aveti si in alte proiecte
- lansati fucntia Stalp (Familia Arhitectura, Modulul Baza: Pereti, deschideri, elemente) si din bara contextuala ce apare selectati Proprietati: alegeti de la Forma contur ultima optiune.
- Din Parametri -> Selectie geometrie selectati profilul definit anterior (vedeti sa fiti pe Birou, daca acolo ati salvat profilul plan).
In rest, totul decurge ca la un stalp normal.

Pentru alte intrebari, utilizati si forumul de la http://www.cursuri-cad.ro.

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Hi Dan,

- draw the form of your column with draft-function. You can use the Line tool to draw individual lines or lines consisting of a number of connected sections.
change to the specials of architecture and use "freeform wall". Approbiate the design aid "outline auto-detect" (pic1) to pick the form of column.

second possibility:
convert the draft in 3D.
You need a 3D-line for a path for sweep solid in the height of your column.
Than you can work m with the function "Polyline Sweep Solid".
Convert now the 3D-Corpus to planes. Now use also the function freeform wall" and draw your column as a wall. Set the height of the component's top/bottom level.

best regards

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