There is many way to do a section in 2D.
It depend what you want first:
1°) Direct 2d section (Old school method)
You can create a cut in you model by using the tool "Clipping Path"(1) in the architecture model and you must indicate a name like A.
Than you can call display this view by using an icone on your screen (bottom right) called "switch on" (2)and select the section "A" (2).
You will see the result.
Now you can convert this result to a 2D ouput by using the command "Hidden line calculation" (3).
And you will get a 2D result on an extra drawing file out of Allplan.
When you closed this result, Allplan ask you to save it in a separate drawing file.
HINT: take care to change back your direction view to planview to see again your file. (STRG+5)
2°) By using the bulding structure:"
By using the previous tool "Clipping path" in the architectural module, you can define a cut named "A".
By using the bulding structure, you can now create a view in the structure on right and create a new view and request the result of cut A.
Ths is similar to method 2 wiht less action and more faster.
3°) By using the associative view:"
Just create the cut where you want.
Than by placing you set it to 2D directly but this view will be associative to your model.
If you want to have a link, there an extra tool in associative view to convert view from Associative view to 2D result.
This is also fast done!
4°) By using the view & cut:"
Since few version, we have new kind of view where you can create some section like associative view.
It's possible when you place this new view to set that you don't want the automatic update.
HINT: depending of your model, you can't be block to create section if you have or will have reinforcement.
These are 4 methods, i hope this is clear for you!
Bye & Good Use!
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