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Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored

I have a problem about to use "new report"-When I try to export to excel there is a problem (Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored) how can I solve this problem. thanks for your help in advance.

Hi Hatem Özdemir,

I´m not shure but I think you used the report Room.rdlc and the reason for the message is that data regions with table/matrix cells are ignored when you export the report from Allplan 2012 to excel. This is a restriction of the used Microsoft Framework in that version.

Maybe it´s an alternative for you to use the report Living space - overview for your excel export.

We are looking forward to use a later version of the Microsoft Report Viewers in a next Allplan version to allow also the export of regions with table/matrix cells.

Regards, Martin Terfloth

I create my own report in Visual Studio. Sometimes I use table in matrix because of this reason When I try to export to excel there is a problem in excel (Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored)

I think also for your own created reports there is the same restriction of the used Microsoft Framework when you export your report to Excel. But I will ask a colleague for more details. Please understand if I cannot write here to much about future developments.

Regards, Martin Terfloth

The problem solved in allplan 2013