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different design of sleb according to view? [Gelöst]


i’ve got the following question:

If I’m working in the layout and activate the next floor above it is drawn as continuous line.
How can I adjust the setting that the sleb is drawn with a dashed or dotted line and in the floor above as continuous line?

Thank you.


Hi Urella

I assume you work in 3D?
Actually you can adjust the setting to display the slab of one floor as dashed line in the layout and as continuous line in the 3D view (as for all 3D-architecture elements). Choose "Options Architecture + register "Display". Near the bottom of that window you can activate to display "use continuous line for archit. elements". Now the linetyp for the slab can be adjusted to be displayed as dashed line - but only in the plan (Ctlr+Num5).
For the bottom plate of the floor above I suggest you plan it with the functions of the foundation as separate document. That way you’ve assigned the correct element signifier.
With little effort you can spare the Hidden line of clipping.

best regards

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Hi, thanks for the hint! It's a great help!
