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different pen thickness [Gelöst]

That different pen Thickness have different colours really bothers me using the old version. (especially because of the readability, since I use a black background).

Where can I deactivate the colour assignment for different pen Thickness? I’d like to have white lines for the black background. (and black lines on white background as printing settings as well as different line thickness)

Another point that bothers me: The fonts are difficult to read, slightly pixelized while working with the program or even in the print preview. (the printing itself is fine)
Can that be changed?


Dear Zita,

here are several solutions for your problem.
If you want to make a colour print but want to have your drawing displayed another way you should adapt your display settings.
You might also change the line colour to monochrom.

best regards

Anhänge (2)

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thanks for your information.

best regards