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Zur Registrierung

dimension lines


I use Allplan 2009 and I can't set any arrowheads for the dimension lines. There is just the option "off". How cqan I set this?
I need a quick fix!!


Hello Onur,

I assume you can’t scroll down and choose another type?

Then close Allplan, open the “Allmenu” and select “service hotlinetools - cleanstd”. You are asked if you want to reset everything, select “no”. Within the following window select “dstw.usr” and confirm with “ok”.

Restart Allplan and check if it worked.

best regards

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but this is'nt the solution. I have still the problem.


Dear Onur,

So, you can solve the problem only by a new installation.
First deinstall the Program.
Close down and restart the Computer.
Than install the Program.
Attention: I advise to make a Data Backup from your projects before.


Hi Undine,
you has right. I solved the problem with new installation. Thanks for help.


my pleasure!
Good day