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Doors parameter no longer good after modification


Since the 2021 version, when I move or change with the numbers of the handles, the aperture settings are no longer correct,
I put images to illustrate my problem.
Problem on 4 different computers

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



Anhänge (2)

Typ: image/png
45-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 78,75 KiB
Typ: image/png
48-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 150,21 KiB

I confirm. Problem already reported a few days after the release of the 2021 version. No response for two months

Allplan 2021-0-4 and always the same problem! , bug still not fixed I can not use this version!

Our 4 licenses will stop working with Allplan, Too slow, lack of innovation, bad software!!

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



Allplan 2021-0-5 still the same problem
Watch the youtube video of the problem


Am I the only one that's going to be?
no one uses window settings?

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



Incredible .... since November 5th I have reported the same problem. we are ignored!

Yes totally ignored!
At this point I showed this video to members of my forum (2150 users) and I am asked not to install this new version full of anomalies and wait for the fix.

Really disappointed with the service, and really enough to have errors in Allplan !

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



Fix 2021-0-6 works perfectly, there is no more problem with windows.

Thank you for correcting the problem.

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu

