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Export model to Sketchup


I tried to export my model into sketchup, so i can upload it to google warehouse.
But when i export my model, all the texture dissapear in sketchup.

Is there a possibility to export a model to sketchup without losing the texture?


Ing. BSc Harald Hafner
Mobil: +43 (664) 33 798 43
Tel.: +43 (316) 32 13 64-43
Email: h.hafner (please no spam) @ (please no spam) constructiv.at

Hi Hakan,

in this case please try to assign a texture by using a *.surf file which is stored directly in the ...\design folder [not from a subfolder]of your Allplan Installation and activate the check box Export textures in the Export SketchUP Data dialog.

Regards, Martin Terfloth