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Flythrough created in Allplan? [Gelöst]

Hi all,

Is it possible to create "fly-throughs / walk-through" a building created in Allplan 2009? I have searched the "Help" menu in Allplan and cannot find any subject on this matter.



Hi Darryl,

in the Animation module you can: Set a Camera Path, you can Run Movie along Camera path, or with Record Movie you can record a movie and save it in a avi-file.

If you will search in the Allplan help (F1 key) for theses topics you will find more informations.

If you open an animation window in Allplan with the F4 key command you also will find all the most useful functions for the animation by right mouseclick (shortcut menu) in the animation window.

Regards, Martin

Thanks Martin for your speedily response........much appreciated