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How to fillet two walls ?


I'm new to Allplan.

I want to use the fillet tool on walls as I do on lines. Does it work? So far I can only select lines with it.

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You can draw a construction's line, then use it as a base for the wall.


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hello BogdanCh,

If you want to modify architectural element, you should use the specific tool inside the architectural module.

Here you will find some tool to divide, cut, stretch your wall like the line.

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I see the fillet tool in the architecture module but it does not work for walls, only for lines.

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You can draw a construction's line, then use it as a base for the wall.


Anhänge (3)

Typ: image/png
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Typ: image/png
263-mal heruntergeladen
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Zitiert von: BogdanCh
I see the fillet tool in the architecture module but it does not work for walls, only for lines.
The fillet tool works only on slabs.