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Label Associatively

  • Allplan
  • 2023
  • Label
  • Associatively


I am using Label Associativelly when i am doing the formwork
Please check the image number 1 what it should look like the label is attached to the element
In the image number 2 , i don't know for what reason but the description is present but it's no longer attached to the element (so if i change the parameters of the element the text remains the same)
What causes this problem and how can i fix it?

Anhänge (2)

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The Elements lost the Association you can not repair it.

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

What caused it?


this is definitly not normal, if you lost the associativity, there is no way to fix it. First on all Maybe the value are not attribut anymore but just a text.

It’s not normal but if you have an idea about a combination of action which lead to this issue, Than send them to the support and this could be fixed if it’s reproducible.

I never seen such issue but I think this can happen by copying objectif separetly


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