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Making a complex stair [Gelöst]

Hi, i am trying to make a stair and i already made this from sketchup as you can see in the attachment.
The problem is that i can't make a stair from one elemen.

If i want to make this model in allplan, then i need to create two stair elements and one slab/floor. By combining these three element i can make the model like the atachment file.

But does somebody know a solution or a methode to make one stair element like the one in sketchup.

I would really appreciate it


Ing. BSc Harald Hafner
Mobil: +43 (664) 33 798 43
Tel.: +43 (316) 32 13 64-43
Email: h.hafner (please no spam) @ (please no spam) constructiv.at

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te?ekkür ederim.

Ing. BSc Harald Hafner
Mobil: +43 (664) 33 798 43
Tel.: +43 (316) 32 13 64-43
Email: h.hafner (please no spam) @ (please no spam) constructiv.at

Mrb. U tipi sahanl?kl? merdiveni kullanarak merdiveni olu?turun, daha sonra basamak say?lar?n? girin,ilk olu?turdu?unuzda basamaklar sahanl?kta ayn? hizada olur, merdiven özelliklerinde basamaklar? ötelemek için bir seçenek var oraya de?er girerek istedi?iniz sonucu elde edebilirsiniz.