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Und damit wirklich keine Frage unbeantwortet bleibt, unterstützen die Mitarbeiter des Technischen Supports ebenfalls aktiv das Forum.

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  • Foren-Vielfalt aus CAD Architektur, CAD Ingenieurbau uvm.
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[Frage] New to Allplan.

Hello Everyone!
Looking for advice from the community for a good set of tutorial documents/videos for an absolute beginner with AllPlan.
I have previous detailed experience with Revit,Rhino,Sketchup,etc.
What is the best route to take towards understanding the entire interface and toolset?

Thanks in Advance!

a goood first start is the "hello Allplan" project and the related Videos:


Next steps can be "Basic Tutorial" and "Architectural or Engeneering" Tutorial

and there are a lot You Tube Channels f.e. :

and much more ..

or later on Browse through the other, more related to a specifiv topic

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