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I wonder if it is possible to obtain oblique views as military perspective or cavalier perspective in Allplan. For example elevation oblique: a principal vertical face is oriented parallel to the picture plane; or Plan obliques. a principal face is iriented parallel to the picture plane.

Thanks in advance,

Dear Rocío,

i don't understand you so much! Please reasked!

regards Undine

here the possibilities commonly:

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I want to get cavalier projections in Allplan. Have a look at the picture attached.


First change in one of the Front Views.
Select now 3D-View.
set the Z-coordinate of the target point at the width-to-height ratio 1:1:0,5


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Typ: image/jpeg
620-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 25,18 KiB

Thaks you very much.

That's great.
Please, signalize if the problem is solved?

best regards

The problem was solved. Thank you.

Dear Rocío

there is a link for solved under. :-)
Plesaed signify withit.
best regards

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/jpeg
587-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 5,58 KiB