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[Frage] Problems restoring a backed up project [Gelöst]


I have AllPlan 2015 on one computer and AllPlan 2020 on another. I'm trying to back up a project on the old computer and restore it on the new one so I can keep working on it. I used Allmenu to back it up in AllPlan 2015 (File/Back up documents . . .) and then to restore it on the other computer in Allplan 2020.
On the new computer the project folder is there (C:\Data\Allplan\Allplan 2020\Prj\Project name) but it doesn't appear in Project Pilot.

Can someone please tell me how to open this project in AllPlan 2020? Thank you in advance.

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Have you tried Services (Allmenu) / Service / Hotline Tools / Reorg / Reorganize project management file?

best regards

Allplan Product Owner

Have you tried Services (Allmenu) / Service / Hotline Tools / Reorg / Reorganize project management file?

best regards

Allplan Product Owner

Thank you for replying so quickly.

I hadn't tried that, but I just did and it worked perfectly. I performed the "restore project management file" and now the project is there.

Thank you very much!