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Select severals lines by thickness [Gelöst]


fresh new AllPlan user, I'd like to draw in 2D. Actually I ALREADY drawn many lines, and now, I'd like to change the thickness of several lines in the same time, is it possible ?


Can I select all the lines of a drawing based on the thickness line ?

Thank you very much.

Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

Yes, you can!
You have to use a filter.
See the online help about filters.
In your case, use Filter by pen.
Once selected, you can change the properties in the Properties palette.

Yes, you can!
You have to use a filter.
See the online help about filters.
In your case, use Filter by pen.
Once selected, you can change the properties in the Properties palette.

Merci Merci !!

You're welcome!