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Smartpart : curved beam


Presented there one month on youtube:


and available here : http://allplan.ze-forum.com

Now available here my SmartPart that will allow you to easily make curved beams (and other reasons) without having to go through a 2D profile and 3D volume .. can not be changed thereafter.

Soon a SmartPart inside door .. watch my video

(this message is posted on the forums German, English and Italian)

Olivier (mpm990)

(My SmartPart are copyright-free and I do not trade as some ..)

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



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Uaaaaauh....Nice! I will try it :-D

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

Maybe you have a bug with this object? , It's just made ??that I put perssonel object attributes that have not been TRANSFERRED home.

Sorry, and I repair it with a patch attached.

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



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