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SmartPart leader

Hello! Need a line of length equal to the length of the text string. When using the SWT, it determines the number of characters in a string * length of a single letter of the cell. As a result length of a text is determined without regard to the width of different letters (but letters i and M have different width). Is there another way to define an exact length of a text string?

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Typ: application/octet-stream
2012-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 5,88 KiB

Unfortunately, that command doesn't offer you a precise measure of the width of an word, I tried myself writing such a smartpart, but with no succes.

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Typ: application/octet-stream
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Zitiert von: Haidu_bogdan
Unfortunately, that command doesn't offer you a precise measure of the width of an word, I tried myself writing such a smartpart, but with no succes.
Hello! That's how we were able to implement it. For normal work requires auxiliary smart (put in a folder with main). Smart works only with fonts GOST Common (included in the archive)

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Typ: application/x-zip-compressed
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