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Steel columns are also selected when reselecting previously selected items

software used:
Allplan 2025 & Allplan 2024

How to replicate:
Select some items like walls or other object in a layer with steel columns in it.
move / scale / rotate / copy or mirror items
Reselect items again by double clicking right mouse button after completing
Watch as total random steel columns are in some cases also selected and having the next action also applied to them

A drawing file with columns in random places without noticing it because it happened off screen.


Double right click is a standard command in Allplan to reselect previous items, even with another function.

I am aware of that and I use it all the time. The problem is that the steel elements that are also selected with the double right click were never part of the previous selection.

I've have had projects where without me noticing steel elements were copied during other operations using the double right click. Cleaning up that mess is not fun :-(


Please contact Allplan support to explain this issue.