how to add another size of rebar reinforcement? for example I want to use 22 mm rebar. How to add it on Allplan?
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[Frage] Add another diameter size of rebar reinforcement [Gelöst]
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allego un video in cui puoi vedere come aggiungere nuovi diametri al catalogo armature. Utilizzo Allplan in italiano ma credo che riuscirai
a ripetere gli stessi comandi con Allplan nella tua lingua.
I am attaching a video where you can see how to add new diameters to the armor catalog. I use Allplan in Italian but I believe you will succeed to repeat the same commands with Allplan in your language.
Anhänge (1)
you need to add it into the reinforcement catalog
Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]
Ankara / Turkiye
allego un video in cui puoi vedere come aggiungere nuovi diametri al catalogo armature. Utilizzo Allplan in italiano ma credo che riuscirai
a ripetere gli stessi comandi con Allplan nella tua lingua.
I am attaching a video where you can see how to add new diameters to the armor catalog. I use Allplan in Italian but I believe you will succeed to repeat the same commands with Allplan in your language.
Anhänge (1)
Yes Lorenzo, I understand the video. Thanks for helping me. Now, I can edit diameter, Strength, etc.
glad I could help you
Good work, Lorenzo