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Allplan 2014 freezes when closing [Gelöst]

  • Allplan 2014
  • Windows 10
  • Freeze

From some time my Allplan 2014 started to freeze when I try to close it.
Im using Windows 10 (I know that it is not supported).
On my second stand there is Allplan 2014 and win 10 and everything works ok.
Made re-installation of Windows and Allplan - didnt help.

How to repair it?

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Change the look of Allplan interface to "Windows" (in the customizing options).
Then, this trouble disappears.


Try to start "Allplan" with admin right. You can add this setting Inside the property of the icone.

If this doesn't help You can also try to use a 'compatibility mode', you just have to select Windows 7 64bit for example. Maybe another works better.

Bye & Good use!

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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

I've tried this, it didn't help

Change the look of Allplan interface to "Windows" (in the customizing options).
Then, this trouble disappears.

Hmm ... Allplan looks ugly but this helped...

Thank You!