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[Frage] Allplan 2020 - Different types of views should not be mixed or loaded together???


Hi there!
I opened old Allplan 2017 project and just wanted to start one Pythonparts but got the following message:
Different types of views should not be mixed or loaded together!!

I suppose that this is again connected with Associated Views. I have the following questions:
1) Is working on old files with Associated Views at all possible in Allplan
2) I have in my file just old Associated views not a new ones at all - what does his message at all mean?

How to solve at all this issue with old associated views in Allplan 2020?

Best Regards, Primoz

Python parts are very freely configurable/ programmable (either with an editor or with Visual Scripting) and they can contain views and sections. It's not possible to mix the old associated views with the new unified views and sections in the same drawing file.

I guess one solution would be to put the python part into another drawing file.