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[Frage] Allplan 2023 - Reference Drawing Files Managment?

Does Allplan 2023 had reference drawing files management, so that you can control and turn off if something is drawn what it should not be. Can you still control references?
Without controlling references, you practically cannot exclude unwanted information which Allplan stick together in the background. For instance you are drawing formwork and many types of reinforcement in different drawing files. In the background Allplan these files stick together and how to turn them off without turning of references in particular drawing files.
Does Allplan 2023 have control of references or how is this solved?


I think in new ''view and section'' functionality there is no references between drawning files, but you have references between ''section'' and the drawning file. So each section has in properties stored his own references, where you can menage them.

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You can not. You can no longer draw rebar plans on 2023 version. I am in arguing with dealer. I want money back or they should fix this problem.

Also there is a bug with normal dimensioning. After applaying base line it no longer stick to points.