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[Frage] Allplan attributes not exported to IFC!!!

  • Allplan

Hi there,

after exporting Allplan model to IFC we realized, that Allplan geometrical attributes are not exported at all. This is a surprise as we would like to have these attributes available for other purposes.

Please let me know how this could be possible as there is no reason that we should create attributes manually as these are geometrical attributes that should be exported automatically. For instance you have one column with w/H/L dimensions which are simply not exported at all.

Thanks for any suggestion how to achieve this option.


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Hi again,

If I set engineering attributes to reinforcement bars in the model, all attributes of the bars are zero. Why Allplan cannot pick these data from bars which obviously exist in the drawing?

Can anyone give me any suggestions?


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Hi Primoz,

have you switched on the Quantities Option during Export? It is located in the IFC Options on Tab Advanced Settings.


Product Manager Allplan Cloud & Bimplus, Allplan GmbH

Hi Thomas,

I will try it, hopefully it works. Another issue is why Allplan does not pick engineering attributes of reinforcement bars in the model, when trying to apply attributes to particular reinforcement bars. If I enter attributes for each particular bar in Allplan it works, but why not do it automatically as the bars are already in the model. It is a lot of work to do it manually.

Thanks for your reply, Primoz

Hi there,

Any suggestion why Allplan cannot retrieve attributes for reinforcement bars from the model, where obviously exist?

Watch the video:
